Santa Sabina Dominican College

Empathy Award 2023

Empathy Award 2023
Over the past academic year Santa Sabina Dominican College have been working towards achieving a Bronze Empathy Award for our school. This is an award endorsed by the international charity Narrrative4, which seeks to promote compassion, kindness and wellbeing among students.
The school was presented with the Bronze Award on Thursday November 30th, having completed several story exchanges among students and staff. An empathy module designed in conjunction with Narrative4's lesson plans has now been rolled out as part of our Wellbeing programme at Junior Cycle, where our students are taught essential listening skills. Many staff members have completed their Narrative4 Empathy training and are now certified facilitators.
The programme was launched in the school as a direct response to our SSE post-Covid evaluation, with an aim to ameliorate the social challenges that some students faced upon the return to school post-lockdown. We are delighted with the feedback from students on the programme and welcome the recognition that the Bronze awards brings. The team have already started working towards obtaining the Silver Award in 2024.
Pictured are Audrey Carty (Deputy Principal), Alex Murphy and Niamh Cotter (Empathy Facilitators) with TY and 2nd year students receiving the Bronze Award from Narrative4 representatives.
Greenfield Rd, Sutton, Dublin 13, Ireland
© 2025 Santa Sabina Dominican College