Santa Sabina Dominican College

Certified Irish Angus Schools Competition Exhibition in Croke Park

TY Ag Science
Certified Irish Angus Schools Competition Exhibition in Croke Park

A huge congratulations to Aisling, Sana, Candela and Sonoles, who as a result of their interview, were one of the few groups throughout Ireland that were selected to go forward to the Certified Irish Angus Schools Competition Exhibition in Croke Park. Here, they skilfully exhibited their project ideas to a number of judges and experts from the agri-food industry. The competition, supported by ABP and Kepak, challenges students to rear five Irish Angus calves and learn about the care and attention required to produce quality beef for consumers. Only five out of the thirty-five exhibiting schools who best demonstrate an understanding of the project along with innovative ideas will be presented with Irish Angus calves at the National Ploughing Championships in September 2022. Sadly after reaching the finals of the competition our project was not selected as one of the few finalists but they should be very proud of their display in Croke Park which impressed a lot of subjects. Santa Sabina would hope that we might have the privilege of returning to Croke park again next year.

Certified Irish Angus Schools Competition Exhibition in Croke ParkCertified Irish Angus Schools Competition Exhibition in Croke Park
Greenfield Rd, Sutton, Dublin 13, Ireland
© 2025 Santa Sabina Dominican College