Santa Sabina Dominican College

The Green School Committee


What is the Green School Committee?

The Green School Committee is a voluntary student-led body made up of two representatives from each class, led by a senior student prefect.

Green school prefect 2021/2022 - Aoife McMahon

Staff Coordinator: Catherine Walsh

What do we do?

The committee meets once a week at lunchtime. The meetings allow for discussions on actions that the committee would like to take to achieve our goals for protecting the environment and encouraging sustainability among our student body.

It offers students the opportunity to become leaders within the school by raising awareness about environmental issues as well as being active in striving to make the school environment a cleaner and better place.

Other Opportunities for Green School Committee Members:

Members of the Green School Committee are given opportunities to take part in nationwide programmes for second-level students such as The Water Ambassador Programme, Climate Ambassador Programme, Neat Streets Programme. These programmes allow students to interact with pupils from other schools and receive training in various aspects of environmental activism.

The Green Flag:

Santa Sabina currently holds the Green Flag for Litter and Waste. The Green School Committee has achieved this by encouraging the whole school community to reduce litter and waste by bringing reusable containers and bottles, recycle correctly, and avoid single use plastics which are often difficult to recycle.

The Green Flag goal for 2021/2022 is to achieve the Green Flag for Water.

In order to achieve this goal we will:

- reduce water consumption in Santa Sabina

- create awareness around water usage

- create awareness around the pollution in, and conservation of waterways

Greenfield Rd, Sutton, Dublin 13, Ireland
© 2024 Santa Sabina Dominican College