Santa Sabina Dominican College

Transition Year

Transition Year

The Transition Year Programme is an exciting and rewarding compulsory year between Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate.

Carefully constructed courses deepen students’ appreciation and understanding of the creative arts, language, literature, mathematical concepts, social and environmental issues, applied science and technology. A percentage of the Leaving Certificate Course is covered in all the core subjects and ensures that students begin 5th year with an advantage. Research has shown that, on average, students who complete a Transition Year obtain approximately 40 extra points in their Leaving Certificate. Opportunities exist for the development of personal and organisational skills in community projects, leisure activities, mini-companies, work experience and community outreach programmes.

The encouragement of self-directed learning and monitoring of progress by continuous assessment or written work, initiative and general participation ensures that each Transition Year student enters Senior Cycle with greater maturity and confidence based on good study skills and a realistic idea of subjects and career options. Each student presents a portfolio at the end of the year and a certificate is awarded.

During Transition Year students may choose to participate in the President’s Award Gaisce through which the qualities of leadership, initiative, self-discipline and caring skills are developed. Three different programmes lead to the attainment of Bronze, Silver and Gold Medals, the highest awards for young people in Ireland.

Our students participate in the BT Young Scientists and Technology Exhibition and have achieved the highest awards in their categories in recent years.

There is a fun element to the Transition Year Programme. This includes a trip to Achill and an optional foreign trip.

Greenfield Rd, Sutton, Dublin 13, Ireland
© 2025 Santa Sabina Dominican College