Santa Sabina Dominican College

Career Guidance

Career Guidance

Career Guidance and Counselling is an integral part of the school, with the Guidance Counsellor working in close co-operation with the Principal, Deputy Principal, year heads, tutors and other members of the staff to provide an appropriate guidance and counselling service for students.

The school’s Careers Programme is provided through careers classes for all fifth, sixth and Transiton Year students, career appointments with individual students, attendance at relevant careers or colleges events and visiting speakers. Students are guided through the application procedures for third level colleges both in Ireland and in the UK. They are also helped to develop effective job-seeking skills such as curriculum vitae design and interview techniques.

Surveys of Leaving Certificate students have indicated that 99% of our students pursue a third level qualification. The most popular college destinations continue to be both University College Dublin, Trinity College Dublin, and Dublin City University .

To read more about the roll of the Guidance Counsellor read more

Parents of Transition Year Students might like to consult the following websites before their daughters make their subject choices for Leaving Certificate

Greenfield Rd, Sutton, Dublin 13, Ireland
© 2025 Santa Sabina Dominican College