Santa Sabina Dominican College

School History

The History of Santa Sabina Dominican College


Santa Sabina, Dominican College came into being in 1912 when the Cabra congregation of the Dominican Sisters purchased a country residence, situated on the road to Howth. The residence, known as Greenfield House, stood on the isthmus joining what was once the island of Howth to the mainland. The sisters renamed their property Santa Sabina after the Roman martyr who is also the patron of the residence in Rome of the Master General of the Dominican Order.

Since its establishment in 1912, Santa Sabina Dominican College has provided an excellent and broad liberal education for girls. Today it caters for 700 students.


1912 Five Dominican sisters opened a school for 15 pupils in the renovated stables.

1925 School recognised as an Intermediate School.

1930 First electric lights switched on.

1937 St Dominic’s Hall was built. It included rooms 36 - 38.

1952 St Thomas’s Wing added. It included the upper biology laboratory and also included a home economics kitchen which was converted to a computer room in 2007.

1962 Concert Hall Wing added.

1980 St Dominic’s, a major extension, was officially opened. It includes the existing main entrance to the school.

1986 Transition Year Programme introduced.

1989 The Junior School closed. Some years prior to the closure, the Secondary School was given the use of St Catherine’s which was formerly part of the Junior School.

1989 St Catherine’s destroyed by fire and replaced by a temporary structure.

1990 First Board of Management appointed.

1992 First lay Principal appointed.

2000 St Catherine’s Wing added to main building and temporary structure demolished.

2003 Phase I of the refurbishment of the 1937/1952 wing completed.

2005 Infrastructure for broadband installed. In anticipation of the closure of the Convent, the music room was relocated to the Convent Oratory.The land to the west of the school was sold for development.

2006 The Dominican Sisters vacated the Convent.

2007 Phase II of the refurbishment of the 1937/1952 wing completed. Physical Education facility (An Spórtlann) built.

2009 Le Chéile Schools Trust took over the role of trusteeship from the Dominican Sisters. Astro Turf Pitch installed. School awarded first green flag.

2010 Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme introduced. Official opening of An Spórtlann and Astro Turf Pitch.

2012 Celebration of the centenary of the school. School awarded second green flag.

2015 The Dominican Sisters gifted the Convent building, the Concert Hall Wing, the walled orchard and adjoining land to the school.

2016 Politics and Society introduced as a subject for Leaving Certificate.

2018 The walled orchard refurbished. A new internal garden created.

2019 New entrance and road constructed. A seomra caidrimh was created for sixth year students.

Greenfield Rd, Sutton, Dublin 13, Ireland
© 2025 Santa Sabina Dominican College